Synopsis and Charm
Set in a futuristic era where humanity has colonized space, Mobile Suit Gundam follows the war between the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon, focusing on Amuro Ray, the pilot of the prototype mobile suit Gundam.
Acclaimed for its complex characters, moral ambiguity, and revolutionary approach to the mecha genre, moving away from the traditional “good vs. evil” narrative.
Series Information
Yoshiyuki Tomino
Production Studio
Release Date and Episodes
April 7, 1979 – January 26, 1980; 43 Episodes
Broadcast Period
Main Characters and Voice Actors
– Amuro Ray: Toru Furuya
– Char Aznable: Shuichi Ikeda
– Sayla Mass: Yo Inoue
Significant Episodes
Iconic Episode
Episode 43: “Escape”
The dramatic conclusion featuring the last battle and Amuro’s final confrontation with Char.
First Episode
Sets the stage for the conflict and introduces key characters and themes.
Memorable Scene
Amuro’s first launch in the Gundam, a pivotal moment in anime history.
Theme Song and Influence
Theme Song
Opening Theme 1: “Tobe! Gundam” by Koh Ikeda
Ending Theme: “Eien ni Amuro” by Koh Ikeda
Significant impact on the mecha genre and popular culture, inspiring numerous sequels, spin-offs, and a dedicated fan base.
Popular Merchandise
– Gundam Model Kits (Gunpla)
– Action Figures of Key Characters
– Special Edition DVDs and Blu-rays
– Video Games based on the Gundam Universe
– Apparel and Accessories with Gundam Designs
Mobile Suit Gundam stands as a monumental series in anime history, known for its deep storytelling, rich characters, and lasting influence on the mecha genre and beyond.