Synopsis and Charm
Mazinger Z is a pioneering mecha anime that follows the story of Koji Kabuto, who pilots the titular robot to protect the world from the evil Dr. Hell.
The anime is renowned for introducing the concept of piloted giant robots to the genre, inspiring countless successors.
Production Info
Go Nagai
Production Studio
Toei Animation
Release Date & Episodes
December 1972 – September 1974, 92 episodes
Broadcast Period
(No information)
Main Characters and Voice Actors
・Koji Kabuto: Hiroya Ishimaru
・ Sayaka Yumi: Minori Matsushima
Key Episodes
Iconic Episodes
Episodes featuring major battles against Dr. Hell’s mechanical beasts.
Final Episode
The decisive battle against Dr. Hell and the resolution of the series.
First Episode
Introduction of Koji, Mazinger Z, and the conflict with Dr. Hell.
Memorable Scenes
Mazinger Z’s Rocket Punch and other signature moves.
Theme Songs and Influence
Theme Songs
Opening Theme: “Mazinger Z” by Ichiro Mizuki
Set the standard for the mecha genre and influenced numerous other series and media.
Popular Merchandise
・Mazinger Z model kits
・Action figures and toys
・Video games
・Collectible cards and posters
・Themed apparel
Mazinger Z remains a cultural icon in the mecha genre, known for its innovative design, thrilling action sequences, and its lasting impact on both anime and popular culture.