The Rose of Versailles


Synopsis and Charm


The Rose of Versailles is a historical drama set in the years leading up to the French Revolution. It follows the life of Oscar François de Jarjayes, a woman raised as a man to serve in the royal guard.


The anime is renowned for its rich storytelling, intricate characters, and a blend of romantic and historical themes.

Production Info


Riyoko Ikeda.

Production Studio

Tokyo Movie Shinsha (TMS).

Release Date & Episodes

October 1979 – September 1980, 40 episodes.

Broadcast Period

(No information)

Main Characters and Voice Actors

・Oscar François de Jarjayes: Reiko Tajima
・Marie Antoinette: Miyuki Ueda

Key Episodes

Iconic Episodes

Episodes focusing on the French Revolution and Oscar’s role in it.

Final Episode

Highlights the culmination of the revolution and the fate of the main characters.

First Episode

Introduces Oscar and sets the stage for the series.

Memorable Scenes

Oscar’s duels, royal court scenes, and romantic subplots.

Theme Songs and Influence

Theme Songs

Opening Theme: “Bara wa Utsukushiku Chiru” by Hiroko Suzuki.


Influenced numerous manga and anime with its strong female lead and historical narrative.

Popular Merchandise

・Rose of Versailles manga volumes
・Oscar François de Jarjayes figurines
・Themed jewelry and fashion accessories
・Art books and posters
・DVD and Blu-ray collections


The Rose of Versailles remains a timeless classic, captivating audiences with its blend of history, drama, and romance, set against the backdrop of one of the most tumultuous periods in French history.

Featured Products

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