

Himitsu no Akko-chan

Synopsis and Charm Synopsis Himitsu no Akko-chan is a pioneering magical girl anime that revolves around Akko-chan, a yo...

Black Jack

Synopsis and Charm Synopsis Black Jack is a compelling anime about an enigmatic, unlicensed surgeon with exceptional ski...

Obake no Q-taro

Synopsis and Charm Synopsis Obake no Q-taro is an endearing anime that follows the adventures of Q-taro, a lovable ghost...

GeGeGe no Kitaro

Synopsis and Charm Synopsis GeGeGe no Kitaro follows the adventures of Kitaro, a young yokai boy, as he confronts variou...

Hakushon Daimaou

Synopsis and Charm Synopsis Hakushon Daimaou is a classic anime featuring a sneezing genie and his adventures with a you...

Samurai Giants

Synopsis and Charm Synopsis Samurai Giants is a gripping anime series centered around the thrilling world of baseball, d...

Mazinger Z

Mazinger Z is a pioneering mecha anime that follows the story of Koji Kabuto, who pilots the titular robot to protect the world from the evil Dr. Hell.

Space Battleship Yamato

Space Battleship Yamato is a science fiction anime set in a post-apocalyptic future where Earth is on the brink of destruction. The story revolves around the crew of the Yamato as they embark on a daring mission to save humanity.

The Rose of Versailles

The Rose of Versailles is a historical drama set in the years leading up to the French Revolution. It follows the life of Oscar François de Jarjayes, a woman raised as a man to serve in the royal guard.

Candy Candy

Candy Candy follows the life of Candy, an orphan girl from the United States who experiences love, loss, and various trials throughout her life, from the orphanage to adulthood.